Sunday, August 8, 2010

My Weebly Website

Creating a website to use as a learning tool that guides students through a particular process is like building a personal library in your classroom. Often websites are unavailable for students in an education setting because of the limits and restrictions applied to web access. By using information (referenced of course) from other (valid) sites on your own website, your students will not miss out on information that is helpful and makes meaning of a particular topic or subject. Alternatively, students could build their own websites to showcase the knowledge they have built around a particular subject. The world becomes their oyster! Here's the link to my Weebly website - at the time of writing it truly is in it's infancy - but stay watching - you never know where this will end up...

OK, so when I am in "Edit Posts" the link to my website appears but when I refresh my blog page it isn't anywhere to be seen! Let's try again...

No, that didn't work either. So here's my website address - in plain text so you will have to copy and paste - sorry:(

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