Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Learning Objects

I have explored and used resources from the Learning Place website regularly during my BLM learning journey (and enjoyed sharing them with students as a learning tool). It was only at our lecture last week that I discovered the Power Search option on the Learning Place website which offers a much quicker and direct result when looking for resources. (Thanks Jacqui!)
Prensky (2009) states the focus for schools today should be on "the communication of ideas". Although Prensky's article is really a discussion about YouTube, his comments that many students struggle with reading and writing is a valid one and I can see the importance and benefits of using a Learning Object in an early years classroom to support learning. The use of audio and visual images to engage and support the teaching of young learners must not be overlooked.
Follow this link to a great discussion started by Kristen (and added to by Pauline and Anna) on the use of Gizmos availabe at ExploreLearning.

Another site that I have found useful in understanding how to incorporate Learning Objects into the classroom is The Technology Source Archives.

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