Friday, August 20, 2010

More about images...

After browsing back over my blog I realised that I haven't included my learning style map that I created at the beginning of this journey so to complete the picture - here 'tis... By the way, to create this picture I used a Print Screen command and pasted the image in Publisher. I cropped the image and used shapes to cover the 'Code' and 'Print' words that appeared on the screen print, used white as the fill colour and selected "No line" so that the words were hidden - leaving me with just the wheel.

Additionally, I have taken the time (and plunge) to explore Picnik - oh my goodness! How long has this been going on and why didn't anybody tell me? Although apologies to Anna - I did scan your posting about Picnik but didn't follow through at that point - big mistake on my part!

I took this photo last summer and thought it looked pretty good then

...but I like it much better after Picnik!

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